Published on June 24, 2004 By Hus In WinCustomize Talk
I'm not big on politics, but this is one movie you should spend $9.50 on. It opens in theaters tomorrow, so clear up your schedules and go buy the tickets!

For those who haven't heard the buzz/controversy about this movie, here's the trailer.
Comments (Page 15)
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on Jul 07, 2004
"Nah kids today"

Way to avoid those generalisations Pixel

on Jul 07, 2004
Nah kids today in general areas exposed to certain medias.
make more sense.
*I dont consider my self human so its all good*
on Jul 07, 2004
paxx thinks that Torro Torro doesn't like Michael Moore.
on Jul 07, 2004
carolelee agrees with paxx
on Jul 07, 2004
Jafo agrees with carolelee
on Jul 07, 2004
so that's what that weird dream was all about
on Jul 07, 2004
anyone happen to have negatives?

on Jul 07, 2004
on Jul 07, 2004
Nah - I'm right of centre nowadays - so I only concentrate on the positives
on Jul 07, 2004
Im a Libra, I always look at both sides
Always trying to balance things out.
on Jul 12, 2004 Apparently Mikie doesn't believe in copyright laws either.
on Jul 13, 2004
He believes in it half way, instead of a yes no problem ppl should try to make hybrids.
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