Published on July 24, 2003 By Hus In Skinning
Perhaps its just me, but why is it that the windowblinds tray icon (wbload.exe) never EVER shows up when using an objectbar with the systemtray plugin? Instead of the icon being there, it's just a blank square. It still retains full functionality, just the actual graphical icon does not show up. Anyone know why?
on Jul 25, 2003
on Jul 25, 2003
The only thing I can think of is to check to be sure that trayserver.exe is loading before Windowblinds.

The default is to have trayserver in HKLM Run as A1:Stardock Tray Monitor so it will load before other TSRs.

on Jul 28, 2003
jebland, I don't think that worked, but hey...atleast you answered.

This issue isn't really that big-a-deal. Just one of those nit-picky things...